A 66Y old male patient came with c/o fever since 15 days

   Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 months back then he developed pain in right hypochindrium , he went to a private hospital where he got his USG abdomen done and diagnosed with cholelithiasis for which symptomatic management was done 

He developed fever since 15days which is high grade, intermitent associated with chills and rigors which got relieved on medication(DOLO 650mg TID) . It is associated with loss of appetite since 15 days

Then he developed Pain abdomen in right iliac fossa since 10 days, pricking type , radiating to epigastric and left hypochondriac region ,followed by shortness of breath(grade1) since 3 days.

No h/o vomitings, loose stools, orthopnea,weight loss,altered bowel habits


 Not a k/c/o DM, HTN, asthma , epilepsy, CKD,CHD

  S/P: perineal urethrostomy done 10 years as he developed complete stricture of urethra at private hospital in hyderabad.

   H/O BPH symptoms (Poor urine stream, frequency, urgency) 2 months back for which he got treated with URIMAX-D


    He was on mixed diet,loss of appetite since 15 days, bowel and bladder movements are regular, sleep is adequate ,ocassional alcoholic since 15 years but completely stopped  5 years back

FAMILY HISTORY: no similar complaints

GENERAL EXAMINATION: Patient is conscious, coherent , co operative

 oriented to time , place and person, 

moderately built and nourished

 VITALS: BP- 110/70mmhg




                Spo2-98% at room air

No pallor, icterus,cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy and pedal edema




Abdomen is distended 

Umbilicus is inverted

On palpation,it is soft and tenderness present in right iliac fossa , epigastric and left hypochondriac regions 

Hepatomegaly is present(liver span-16cms)

Bowel sounds heard

CVS: s1 s2 heard, no murmurs


BAE present, normal vesicular breath sounds were heard, no added sounds.

 CNS: higher mental functions-normal

           Cranial nerves- intact

           motor system-intact

           Sensory system- intact

           No cerebellar signs


HB - 11.5gm/dl, 

TLC - 20000  

PLT-  4.5lakh. 

CUE-    pus cells- 8 to 10, Rbc- bacteria present, albumin - plus 2,

RFT- UREA- 69mg/DL, creatinine - 1.1mg/DL,  NA - 138meq/l, k- 3.7, cl- 97,

LFT - TB - 1.62, DB - 1.00, ALP 804, ALBUMIN 2.5GM/DL, 




TREATMENT - INJ PIPTAZ 4.5gmiv tid, 

                         INJ METRONIDAZOLE750mg IV tid,

                         INJ PAN 40mgiv OD,

                         IV FLUIDS, 

                        TAB URIMAX-D OD.


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